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Fri, 01 Mar



Professor Kathy Sylva | Pedagogical quality in early childhood 幼儿教育优质教学法

Professor Kathy Sylva  | Pedagogical quality in early childhood 幼儿教育优质教学法
Professor Kathy Sylva  | Pedagogical quality in early childhood 幼儿教育优质教学法


01 Mar 2024, 12:00 – 12:30


About the Session

About the Session

Topic: Pedagogical quality in early childhood: crossing frontiers and learning from one another

Abstract: This talk will begin with a description of high quality pedagogy in Europe. Drawing on the Effective Preschool, Primary and Secondary Education study of more than 3,000 children in England, I will show that different kinds of quality pedagogy support different domains of development in English children. Nations and communities share some views of high quality pedagogy but differ on others. Moreover young children come from homes with different values and child rearing practices, meaning that children in one country may respond differently to traditional or ‘new’ pedagogies compared to children who live elsewhere. However, we now know that children’s brains are wired similarly around the world, placing constraints on learning.  I will conclude with some shared understanding of high quality pedagogy (‘pedagogy that crosses frontiers’) while considering differences as well. Mindless copying of pedagogy is doomed to failure but being ‘inspired’ or ‘intrigued’ by new techniques and practices can lead to successful innovation in early childhood.


Professor Kathy Sylva

Professor of Educational Psychology and Honorary Research Fellow, Department of Education, University of Oxford, UK

Member of the YCCECE Board of Governors

Professor Kathy Sylva is Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Oxford, Department of Education.  She has conducted large scale studies on the effects of Early Childhood education and care on children’s development.  She has been lead researcher on the Effective Pre-school and Primary Education longitudinal study (EPPE).  She also leads randomised controlled trials to evaluate parenting programmes aimed at supporting children’s language and literacy development.  She has published 7 books and more than 100 papers, most on early childhood, early literacy and ways to support families.  She has been specialist adviser to the UK Parliamentary Select Committee on Education, an adviser to the English regulatory authority (Ofsted), and was awarded an OBE for services to children and families.



摘要:本讲座将首先介绍欧洲的优质教学法。 根据英格兰对 3000 多名儿童进行的 "学前、小学及中学教育成效 "研究结果,我将说明不同优质教学法对英格兰儿童各领域发展所带来的裨益。 不同国家与社区对优质教学法抱持一些相同的观点,但在另一些立场上却存着差异。 此外,幼童成长于具有不同价值观与育儿方式的家庭,因此,对于生活在不同国家与环境的儿童来说,他们也许会对传统或 "崭新 "教学法产生差异的反应。今天我们了解到,虽然世界各地儿童的大脑构造是相似的,但不同环境因素将对其学习产生了一定限制。 在总结部分,我将阐述业界对优质教学法("跨越国界教学法")的一些共同理解及分歧。 无意识地仿效教学法最终必定失败,然而,常被崭新技术和做法 "启发 "或 "吸引"才能成功地为幼儿教育注入创新。



英国牛津大学教育系教育心理教授及荣誉研究院士 耀中幼教学院校董会成员

凯西・西尔瓦教授是牛津大学教育学院教育心理学教授,她曾进行大型幼儿教育果效及儿童发展照顾的研究; 她也曾带领研究员进行有效学前及小学教育的长期研究工作。 此外,更主理随机调控测试以评估一年级儿童的家教项目。 她曾出版七本书籍及发表过百篇论文,大部份都围绕幼儿、幼儿学习及家庭支持,她也是英国国会教育轮选委员会(2000-2009)的专家顾问,且荣获2008年儿童及家庭服务OBE勋章。

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